My Salt Agency Social Media Tracker showed me that I have little presence on the Internet other than a LinkedIn profile and a news article about me. Overall I am not overly concerned about either increasing or decreasing my online presence. This is because I already have a minimal online presence and I prefer it that way. Although I am concerned the fact that the news article is about a Jewish holiday leading to someone researching me to know I am Jewish I feel it would be better if that was not something that showed up when researching me. Therefore I should contact Hamilton Spectator to discuss the possibility of either de-listing the article or unoptimizing the SEO. additionally I could create more information about me on the Internet to bury the article but I would prefer not to do that. Overall I don’t think I need to professionalize the information that comes up since its mostly good things about me but perhaps I could increase the amount of information about me in general as some people may think its weird that I dont have much information of information
- Contact Hamilton Spectator
- Create noise on the Internet to bury the result
- Create more information about me on the Internet
“The root of the simplification often found in identity history is that it’s based on a desire to belong, a desire to express community”
Donald A. Yerxa, “Why History Matters: An Interview with John Tosh,” Historically Speaking 10, no. 5 (November 2009): 26, doi:10.1353/hsp.0.0065.

One response to “Week 1 Response”
Thanks for this piece! I think contacting the Spectator would be a good idea, as that’s a bit of a strange result/discussion to come up when searching your name.