Salt Social

Gavin Rees

After using the Salt Profile Checker I realized how the popularity of someone else who shares your name can limit your online presence. Gavin Rees is apparently a former boxing champion from Wales, and regardless of what prompts I punch in, his photo and Wikipedia page seems to always come up. Most of my own online presence comes from the various musical projects I’ve worked on in/around the Hamilton area and the platforms I use to promote my own and my band’s music. Additionally, there are a few of my socials (Instagram/Facebook) that are visible as well, and an interview I did with Mohawk College’s Ignite magazine during the last municipal election.

My ‘professional’ online presence was next to none, aside from my name on a convocation list from when I completed my undergrad, and a LinkedIn profile I made a few years back but never added anything to. If I were to improve this, I suppose it would be wise to at the very least do the following tasks:

  1. Update my LinkedIn profile to accurately represent my work history and professional experiences in the academic community
  2. I don’t know if this would change anything, but creating an OrcID profile with my masters research on it and submitting that research to academic journals may help.
  3. Contact MacSphere to see if they will ever set up an academic profile for myself, or if that is something I would have to do on my own.

Humanities graduates have skills in critical, creative, imaginative, and analytical thinking, in big picture analysis and close reading, in oral and written communication, in problem solving, in reasoned argumentation, in lateral application of expertise, and in working to deadlines and constraints on space and time.1

Cootes Paradise From Hill, June 11, 1796 (Source: Elizabeth Simcoe, Archives of Ontario, F 47-11-1-0-214)
A shameless self plug.

Gavin Rees M.A., McMaster University.

  1. Moss, Laura. “Sustaining The Humanities,” Canadian Literature 219 (2013): 6-15. ↩︎

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