It was frankly a little disappointing to look up my online profile as there was a lot less information about me on the Internet than I thought. I was expecting to find a few articles and blog posts regarding the competitions or club activities I joined in high school and university which were actually searched back then, but the unfinished LinkedIn profile of myself was the only thing that showed up when using the Salt Social Profile Checker.
Worried if it could be a language-related issue, I googled myself in Korean with the keywords of the undergraduate program I was in, and was able to see some other results such as my Instagram account and the student council events whose designing team I was a part of on a Facebook page.
In order for the social profile of mine to be improved, it will need to be edited more professional. As there is not much information about myself, either academic or occupational, particularly my LinkedIn profile needs an update with a proper resume. The Instagram account would be better being a private one, considering the fact that it is one of the first online profiles which pop up on Google and that there are a lot of personal life and pictures on the current public account.
It is shown as the main issue that my profile is lack of information in general. It is good to know that everything written about me online is factual and it does not need to be revised or requested to be edited. Instead, getting more expertise and professional experiences, properly recording and well managing them will be an important work to be done from now on.