Hi everybody, I’ve linked my videogame that I created on Dundoc. The game is a real time strategy and building game titled Frankokratia, meaning rule of the Franks, and is set after the Crusader conquest of Constantinople in 1204. In the game you play as any of the successor states set up in the Aegean with the final goal of taking Constantinople. Along the way, depending on which side you play as, you must spread or preserve you culture and religion, which can be done through the building of churches and the sponsoring of projects like artwork and books. You can choose where to place your buildings like you would in a city builder simulator. From some of these buildings you can recruit units, like priests and missionaries from churches and monasteries, or soldiers from barracks, all of which you can move around the map to fulfill whichever objective you want them to fulfill. Goals in the game are mostly about spreading or preserving culture, which you must do through building certain buildings and units, which you can only acquire by collecting certain resources, meaning as the player you must expand your state to collect these resources and protect them. Thus logistics is an important aspect of the game. To expand your state requires a military, which are expensive to maintain meaning that you cannot just go on a conquering spree you must be strategic about when to raise your army and which regions you should attack. The final goal of the game is to take the city of Constantinople and place your dynasty on the throne.