Week 4 – My Book

Here is an awful rendering of my notebook!

Though not a profession I would see myself in, I can see how modelling could be of significant use. However, I offer an anecdote for why modelling worries me.

Transience, or, inevitable decay, Freud says, “leads to the painful world-weariness” of attachment, or a “revolt against the asserted fact.” These ways of responding, Freud says, are a “foretaste of grief” over the inevitable destruction of a place, so, rather than be forced to confront that inevitability, one guards themselves from enduring the pain of loss by disassociating value from it.

I suppose what I’m trying to say is that though preservation may be important, what we preserve, where we obtained the items we are preserving, and what knowledges those items contain, makes me worried. Sometimes things are supposed to decay and perhaps modelling removes that possibility.

Just some thoughts…

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