My MRP topic is the representation of workhouse inmates on 19th century British labour periodicals. I will be focusing on how, within the discourse about the workhouse, the left-wing press negotiates notions of “honest poverty” and masculinity. I will be using the Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) and the British Newspaper Archives (BNA), they are both online. I sadly have no excuse to go to Britain.
In my preliminary research, I have encountered a lot of traumatic material. There is a lot of talk of suicide, hunger, orphaned children, and other issues that arise with poverty and disenfranchisement. I think it is important to take a step back to maintain my mental health as I face those challenging topics.
As for building relationships with archivists, I think it is important to be enthusiastic about your research and also be upfront as your status as a student. I think it is also ideal to reach out to them ahead of time, so they can do the best to assist you. Just being respectful and professional goes a long way in dealing with archivists.