Category: Uncategorized

  • Week 8: Archieves

    A main achieve that I am planning on using for my research into Beowulf is M. Wendy Hennequin’s We’ve Created a Monster: The Strange Case of Grendel’s Mother, which details how Grendel’s Mother is more focused upon in the modern era due to how her character thwarts gender expectations of femininity and motherhood both then…

  • Week 8: Archives

    My MRP topic is the representation of workhouse inmates on 19th century British labour periodicals. I will be focusing on how, within the discourse about the workhouse, the left-wing press negotiates notions of “honest poverty” and masculinity. I will be using the Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) and the British Newspaper Archives (BNA), they are…

  • Week ?? Archives

    Hello! For my MRP i’ll be looking at a series of charges that were laid against a Hamilton Grocer, an oil conglomerate, and a truck driver in 1988 by the Ministry of Environment (ME) for spilling oil into the Chedoke Creek. The archive(s) I have been coordinating with are the Hamilton Public Library, Provincial Offences…

  • Week 8 Archives

    My research pertains to the history of Greek Orthodox Christians in the Levant, more specifically in Syria and Lebanon. The topic I look at is the religious artform of iconography, which are found throughout the region in various churches and monasteries. To supplement my study of these icons, I plan to look at various documents…

  • W8 – Archives

    The Archivio Apostolico Vaticano (Vatican Apostolic Archives) will prove vital for undertaking primary source research. Located in Vatican City, the archive is predominantly restricted to in-person viewing. While this itself is a strong hindrance, I am still able to access some primary sources digitally. In addition, I have already begun the process of inquiring for…

  • Week 6- Archive

    The main archive I intend to use for my MRP is the William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections in Mills Library. In addition to this I intend to use the digital archive of Early English books I found online. I am using these archives since in the case of Mills Archive, They have…

  • Week 8- Archives

    Hey, all! The archive I am planning to use primarily in my major research paper is the Hamilton and District Labour Council’s archives, which are held in the Mills Library. For anyone who is interested in looking at what this archive entails, the Finding Aid is attached here: Contents and Challenges This archive contains…

  • Week 4 – My Book

    Here is an awful rendering of my notebook! Though not a profession I would see myself in, I can see how modelling could be of significant use. However, I offer an anecdote for why modelling worries me. Transience, or, inevitable decay, Freud says, “leads to the painful world-weariness” of attachment, or a “revolt against the…

  • Week 4 Render

    This little robot stacking doll was the object that I 3D scanned. The process wasn’t too difficult, if not a bit annoying trying to get the camera in the right angle to scan. Also, thank you to Dr Van Horssen for allowing me to use your phone to be able to use the 3D scanning…

  • W4 – 2000s Core

    Hey Everyone! For this week I had the pleasure of rendering this little fellow. The actual process was significantly easier than I had initially expected, but it reminded me of the classic, low-resolution polygon sprites that would always find their way into popular movies and video games from the early 2000s. Simpler times. This actually…

  • Week 4

    I found the process of 3d scanning the object interesting and surprisingly simple. the fact that one has to take images from all angles makes sense, though it is clear the app has difficulty with judging the height of the object if the angle is slightly off. The app was also very annoying with its…

  • QLone Participation Task

    For this task, I scanned a Ray-Ban case that was lying around in my backpack. I thought this was an interesting exercise, although it took a while for me to understand how to do it. I am not sure of how I will use this in the future, but it is still nice to know…