The peer review process is more than editing a document; in fact, editing is subsumed in the peer relationship between editor and author, and the processes of self-regulation to conform with a shared profession.

Looking for anthropological truth in modern media
The peer review process is more than editing a document; in fact, editing is subsumed in the peer relationship between editor and author, and the processes of self-regulation to conform with a shared profession.
The history of public health is interesting – it is the product of a community effort, and it usually requires some knowledge of the causative agent of disease to prevent its occurrence. Therefore, it is important to be able to identify the emergence of the common good and public health activities, especially in the archaeological record
When examining the role of microbes (single-celled organisms) in archaeology, it is important to note that this is a relatively new discipline. Because of its multi-disciplinary nature, especially one that overlaps with the rapidly growing fields of biology and molecular genetics, publicly available presentations on this subject have generally failed to keep pace with reports in the academic literature.
Is there really “good” or “bad” literature?
When writing, I avoid beginnings because they are delicate places, and I never quite know the ending of things until
Searching for Bacteria As Artifacts / My Kingdom for a Microscope! Bacteria are funny things – diminutive in size, and
Source: Warinner, C., Herbig, A., Mann, A., Fellows Yates, J. A., Weiß, C. L., Burbano, H. A., … & Krause,
Outlining the Role of Bacteria in Humans, and Archaeology Today’s music playlist is co-authored by me (Vangelis, theme from Blade
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition. It’s usually first diagnosed at around age 7, especially in children
I have been writing for nearly 50 years, and during that time I eschewed having a writing “process”; I felt