Author: admin

  • WordPress 5.4.2 Upgrade

    Good morning, The blogs at have been updated to version 5.2.  Improvements have been made to the Block editor as well as Accessibility. Please report any issues with your blog to

  • Server Problem

    Unfortunately, we encountered an unrecoverable error with one of our servers that hosted the blogs at  We had to recreate the virtual machine and restore from a backup made a few months ago and are working to restoring as much content as possible. This may take some time. We apologize for the inconvenience this…

  • Blogs will be unavailable Thursday August 15 from 2:30pm – 4:00pm

    Due to a planned maintenance, the macblog service will be unavailable Thursday August 15 from 2:30pm – 4:00pm. Thank you for your patience and understanding.