How Can I Participate?

To participate in this study you must meet the requirements to participate [located here] and read through the page ‘What is this study?’ [located here].

If you are sure you meet the participation requirements and agree to what this study is asking of you, contact the project lead (Bei Evely) at the email provided on the Contact Us page of this website [located here].

If you are chosen to participate in the study, you will be contacted via email to arrange the best time and format for an interview. A fillable form is also available as an alternative to the live-chat interview which you could fill out on your own time instead.

I will ask you the following consent questions at the start of the interview:

  • Do you agree to participate in this study knowing that you can withdraw at any point with no consequences to you?
  • Do you agree to being audio or text chat recorded during this interview?
  • Would you like to be contacted by e-mail or by mailing address following the study with the finished illustrations and/or the written thesis, estimated to complete by September 30th, 2022?
  • Do you agree to having your contact information and interview responses from this project stored and used in future related projects?

Following the interview, we will contact you again to request a detailed description for one to three memories you shared with us. This is for developing the graphic novel-style comics portion of the research project.

You may be contacted with the drawings and written research following the drafting period and upon completion of the final product. I will post a notification of project completion on this website, as well.

Begin ID "A black and white line drawing of a hand holding a pencil floats disembodied in front of a semi-transparent array of rainbow rectangles overlapping each other." End ID
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