‘Synthesis’ is a unique academic symposium run entirely by students enrolled in the iSci program. Created in 2012, the symposium was designed to serve as an outlet for iSci students to showcase the work they complete in upper years, including individual projects and fourth-year theses, while communicating the importance of interdisciplinary research to the greater McMaster community.
Since that time, Synthesis has continually grown, serving as an excellent means of highlighting the remarkable work done by iSci students. In addition, the symposium features a number of invited speakers from both within McMaster and other notable academic institutions, as well as a workshop catered to high school students interested in a multidisciplinary approach to science.

Take a look at all of the events, presentations, and workshops happening during the symposium.
Want to know who’s presenting? Read all of the abstracts of the amazing undergraduate student research.
Invited Speakers
Hear from a variety experts at McMaster on interdisciplinary topics.
Walk Across Canada
Help iSci Walk Across Canada before the end of the year by logging the kilometers you walk, bike, or run throughout Synthesis.