Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA): Info for Speakers

Posted by admin - April 27, 2010

The Government of Ontario recently enacted the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) for the public sector. The goal of the Act is to create standards to improve accessibility across the province.

What You Need to Do as a WILU 2010 Speaker to Comply with the Legislation

In order to comply with this legislation, and to ensure that WILU 2010 conference materials are accessible to all participants, it is important that the following materials be made available ahead of the conference.

Please send the following documents as email attachments to Krista Godfrey no later than Wednesday, May 5, 2010:

1. Materials for your presentation (PPT, handouts, etc.). These will be uploaded and made available via the conference web site in advance of the conference (more information below).

2. A text version of your PPT or Keynote presentation. For image heavy presentations, please consider preparing a written summary of your presentation in Word or OpenOffice.

If you are planning on showing a video clip, please ensure that it is captioned or provide a descriptive summary of it.

Instructions for sending Powerpoint Presentations to Word

– Go to File and choose send to Word

– If you have images, these will not be moved over. It might be a good idea to summarize the image if it is essential to your presentation.

Instructions for sending Keynote Presentations to Word

– Go to File, choose Export and choose PowerPoint

– Then see directions for sending Powerpoint Presentations to Word

If you don’t have Word, you can cut and paste text in OpenOffice, a free, opensource program

Delivering Accessible Presentations

More information about delivering accessible presentations is available at . You may also want to consult this PPT presentation, Universal Design for Library Instruction. Complying with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005, recently prepared by one our committee members, Laura Beauchamp, for McMaster library staff.

Online Archiving

In order to facilitate access to conference materials, we will be linking to speaker presentations from our programme page on the blog. When you send your full presentation and your adapted presentation materials, please specifiy your preferred location for posting. Options for posting include:

    send it to us and we can host it on our servers
    post it to slideshare and send us the link and we’ll direct to your slides
    post it to e-lis and send us the link and we’ll direct to your slides

If posting to slideshare or e-lis, please use the tag wilu2010.

If no preference is indicated, materials will be hosted at McMaster.

Need Help?

Should you have any questions or require additional assistance, we would be happy to help. Please contact Krista Godfrey or John Fink .

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