1942: Frye is perhaps giving some hint of the woe that is in marriage: he and Helen certainly seem to be feeling the conflict between marriage and career, Helen especially.
[96] Mary Louise & Peter [Cameron] got married today, by Betty [MacCree’s] father, who did an awful job but let me out. I hate wedding receptions, & the only thing the service reminds me of is that “for fairer, for loather” was the original form of “for better, for worse.” Helen probing to see how much Jerry’s house would cost us to live in: too much. Helen’s been restless lately: the war gives her claustrophobia & she has the feeling that everyone else is doing something more interesting. Jerry [Riddell] going to Ottawa to take a government job, Eleanor [Godfrey] being mysterious about a career in advertising or publicity or something & taking a trip, Mary [Winspear] going out to Edmonton to be Dean of women, Beattie collecting a salary of $6100 a year: with my hopeless non-essential background she feels that everyone’s playing a game she’s left out of.
1950: No entry.