Monthly Archives: April 2011

April Foolery 5


Rounding out this day where we started: a high end prank from the BBC, this time provided by lay medievalist and ex-Python, Terry Jones.

(Thanks to Ross for the tip.)

April Foolery 3

Here’s a new word courtesy of Sarah Palin, “squirmish,” which appears intended to mean “a brief battle between small groups, usually part of a longer or larger battle or war.”

Palin’s use of it in a sentence: “The people have a right to know: Are we at war? Or is this an intervention? Or a squirmish?”

Video here.

April Foolery 2



Angry Birds. Rebecca Black. It’s hard to keep up. But for pure wtf-ery, it’s Rebecca. There are no “lyrics,” but there are words consistent with the vocabulary of a 7th grade book report, and they are “sung.” It’s as if Mark Mothersbaugh and Morrissey had both suffered strokes and got together to write this song as the first step to a long recovery.