Category Archives: Video of the Day

Video of the Day: “Fuck You”


This video went crazily viral last week: 3 million YouTube hits and counting.  The New York Times produced an article about writing an article about it without using the word “fuck.”  (And that’s what’s wrong with the New York Times.)

It’s late summer and the time for this sort of thing — remember “The Thong Song“?

Except that for a seasonal novelty this really is a catchy little tune whose title just happens to be “Fuck You” (oh, and with this irresistible refrain: “Fuck you / And, uh, fuck her too”).  It’s bright and bouncy in the Motown style (like the Jackson 5’s “ABC“) only with streetwise lyrics.  By the end you may be singing along — or at least humming it under your breath sometime this afternoon.

Video of the Day: Fox News as “Terrorist Command Center,” Cont’d


The corporate love that dare not speak its name.

Saudi Prince is second largest share-holder in Fox News parent company, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp; Saudi Prince and co-owner of Fox News is accused by Fox News of being a terrorist sympathizer and secret funder of the Ground Zero “Terror Mosque”; Saudi Prince and co-owner of Fox News is alluded to as terror-sympathizing secret funder of Ground Zero “Terror Mosque” without actually being identified by Fox News either by name or as co-owner of Fox News.

Oceania is at war with Eurasia; Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia . . .

Video here.

Video of the Day: “Is Fox News a Terrorist Command Centre?”


Yep.  Jon Stewart once again channels Fox News’ guilt-by-association-follow-the-money tactics to demonstrate that Fox News itself might be an Islamic terrorist command centre.  He’s not outright saying it is, mind you.  Like Glenn Beck, he’s just asking questions no one else is asking.  And, of course, they’re much better questions, which is what makes them so damn funny and much more pertinent.

Video via Gawker here.

Video of the Day: Arcade Fire


The anthem that brought Arcade Fire to international attention in 2006, “Rebellion (Lies)”

It’s our first birthday today, so let’s have a little fun tonight.

Montreal’s Arcade Fire seems to be the hottest band in the world right now, beloved by everyone from David Bowie to Jon Stewart, on whose show they played two sets last week (and Jon almost never has musical guests).  They also seem to be some of the nicest people you’d care to meet; there are six of them playing three times that number of musical instruments.  They make the cliche about Canadians being sweet tempered and polite a heroic virtue — and explode the myth that that somehow makes us boring.

Their new album, The Suburbs, is at the top of the charts and is receiving rave reviews.  Why, here’s one now.

After the jump, audio of “Month of May” from The Suburbs.

Continue reading

Video of the Day: Stephen Colbert Pwns Laura Ingraham [Updated with Frye Quote]


Laura Ingraham in the seconds before being hoist with her own petard

Colbert’s interview of Laura Ingraham is a week old but is so artful that it’s worth taking another look.  Colbert, without calling Ingraham a racist who cannot write, demonstrates that she’s a racist who cannot write by using his persona as a pompous know-nothing to play out the pretense that her book The Obama Diaries is actually written by Obama.  The look on her face as the trap closes says it all.  Ingraham thinks she’s produced satire, but Colbert easily outmaneuvers her to show that she hasn’t.  Satire requires more than just a sarcastic attitude and is considerably more subtle than providing an excuse to say nasty things about people that have no demonstrable relation to them. With Ingraham, Colbert demonstrates, the only recognizable issue is race and is expressed in terms of ugly racist cliches.  Ingraham, evidently mortified to be shown up so, provides no rationale; she merely tries to bluff her way through the remainder of the interview.  That’s why this video is being widely linked.  (Ingraham: “I think we had a moment here.”  Colbert: “No, I think you had a moment there.)

See the relevant portion of the interview here.

[Update] Frye in “The Nature of Satire”:

For satire needs both pleasure in conflict and determination to win; both the heat of battle and the coolness of calculation.  To have too much hatred and too little gaiety will upset the balance of tone.  Man is a precocious monkey, and he wins his battles by the sort of cunning that is never far from a sense of mockery.  All over the world people have delighted in stories of how some strong but stupid monster was irritated by a tiny human hero into a blind, stampeding fury, and how the hero, by biding his time and keeping cool, polished off his Blunderbore or Polyphemus at leisure.  (CW 21, 41)

Video of the Day/Quote of the Day: “Malice and stupidity usually go together”


I follow Sarah Palin closely because she is a pathological liar and a dangerously ignorant and self-serving demagogue who also happens to be virtual leader of the Republican party.  (Thank you, John McCain. Whatever became of that guy anyway?)  Every once in awhile you get a glimpse of the snarky, mean-spirited bully she is; as in this video taken yesterday in Homer, Alaska (where the divine Sarah claims to be commercial fishing, but as she hasn’t been issued any of the necessary licences, she may be lying about that too).

In any event, this clip speaks for itself.  Homer resident Kathleen Gustafson has put up a banner reading “Worst Governor Ever.”  Instead of letting it slide, Palin confronts her.  Gustafson is dignified and direct in her responses while Palin is sarcastic throughout (“Oh, you want me as your governor?  I am honored!)”  The two burly dudes trying to block the filming, causing the cameraman to engage in a tango of evasion between them, are husband Todd and a private bodyguard.  Note that they are doing so on private property, and it’s not their private property they’re on.  (Not that it makes any difference: Palin thinks the First Amendment is to protect her from the press, and not the other way around.)  Pay special attention to the exchange at 1.10 where Palin asks Gustafson what she does.  She replies, “I’m a teacher.”  Palin’s mama grizzly response is caught in all its unmistakable grisliness: a knowing groan, an eye-roll, a smirk to her daughter Bristol, and — through that unrelentingly nasty grin — a dismissive grimace.

After the filming stopped a Palin supporter pulled down the banner.  Again, on private property.  But when you’re messing with Palin, you forgo your rights.  Because only those who qualify as “mavericks” or “patriots” or “real Americans” as determined by Palin and her crew are protected by the Constitution.

Frye on teachers in “The Beginning of the Word”:

At his trial Socrates compared himself to a midwife, using what for that male-oriented society was a deliberately vulgar metaphor.  Perhaps the teacher of literature today might be called a kind of drug pusher.  He hovers furtively on the outskirts of social organization, dodging possessive parents, evading drill-sergeant educators and snoopy politicians, passing over the squares, disguising himself from anyone who might get at the source of his income.  If society really understood, there would be many who would make things as uncomfortable as they could for him, though luckily malice and stupidity usually go together.  When no one is looking, he distributes products that are guaranteed to expand the mind, and are quite capable of blowing it as well.  But if Canada ever becomes as famous in cultural history as the Athens of Socrates, it will be largely because, in spite of indifference or philistinism or even contempt, he has persisted in the immortal task granted only to teachers, the task of corrupting its youth.  (On Education, 20-21)

Videos of the Day: CNN’s Top Ten Gaffes


Rick Sanchez: “. . . you think of Hawaii and long words like that”

Vanity Fair has put together an idiots’ parade compilation of CNN’s top ten gaffes.  From the idiocy of Wolf Blitzer (for whom ten mangled words are always preferable to a single well-chosen one) to the idiocy of Rick Sanchez (“Iceland’s too cold for volcanoes”) to the idiocy of Erick “Son of Erick” Erickson (“David Souter is a goat-fucking child molester”), and all the way back round again to the primogenitural idiocy of Wolf Blitzer, l’idiota di tutti idioti.  Just one question: Why stop at ten?  A top one hundred would not be much more time consuming to compile.

Fox News may be evil incarnate.  But CNN is clownish stupidity, from one end of the 24 hour news cycle to the other, day in, day out, and without fail.  It’s all Ted Baxter now.  As with Paddy Chayefsky‘s Network, what was once satire is now just the new normal.

Video of the Day: “I Give Up”


Jon Stewart is never off, but sometimes he is so on target that it is awe-inspiring, as in his new feature introduced on the Daily Show last night: “I Give Up”.  Jon’s always been a superb sad clown, but his angry clown routine is the one he holds back for special occasions.  This is one of those occasions.  Please watch.  Please.

In Canada, watch it here.  In the rest of the known universe, watch it here.