Mohandis Ghandi


Gandhi in London, 1931: “There is an undefinable mysterious power that pervades everything, I feel it though I do not see it.”

On this date in 1942 the British arrested Ghandi (1869-1948), sparking the Quit India Movement.

Frye’s closing words in The Educated Imagination:

What the myth tells us is that the Tower of Babel is a work of human imagination, that its main elements are words, and that what will make it collapse is a confusion of tongues.  All had originally one language, the myth says.  That language is not English or Russian or Chinese or any common ancestor, if there was one.  It is the language of human nature, the language that makes both Shakespeare and Pushkin authentic poets, that gives a social vision to both Lincoln and Gandhi.  It never speaks unless we take the time to listen in leisure, and it speaks only in a voice too quiet for panic to hear.  And then all it has to tell us, when we look over the edge of our leaning tower, is that we are not getting any nearer heaven, and that it is time for us to return to the earth. (CW 21, 494)

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