Monthly Archives: April 2010

Punked . . .


. . . by the great Bob Denham.

I woke up early this morning to the following email (whose subject is “Delirious”) addressed to me and Michael Dolzani.

I fell for it.  Completely.  Unreservedly.  With thrilled anticipation!  Well played, Master.

Getting involved in this blog has meant that I’ve had to retrieve my Frye files from my garage, where I’d mothballed them.  Well, looking through some files today I discovered what looks to be a corrected typescript for the “Third Book.”  It’s more or less what Norrie projected, as best this can be determined from the “Third Book” Notebooks.  It appears to have been typed by Jane.  In any case it’s not one of Norrie’s typical marginless typescripts.  I thought I had a pretty good handle on what I’d copied from the files in Vic, and how this one got lost in the cracks rather baffles me.  At the top of the first page Norrie wrote in pencil “The Symbolic Universe.”  I’ve written Alvin to see if he’s up to having still another volume in the CW.  I’m currently scanning it to disk (it’s 327 pp. in its current form).  The book has (guess what) eight chapters, two each devoted to Eros, Adonis, Thanatos, and Logos.  I’m naturally ecstatic.  Guess this will require some revisions to all those statements we’ve put out there about the never completed Third Book.  Anyway, I wanted the Michaels to be the first to know.  I’ve attached some sample pages.


[Attachment: SymbolicUniverse.doc]