Today is our first anniversary, and we’re very pleased to be here.
We began celebrating early by posting in its entirety yesterday our beloved benefactor Bob Denham’s first book, Northrop Frye and Critical Method. It has been brilliantly digitized for easy access and reading by Bob’s former student and our current administrator, Jonathan Cox. (Our thanks also to our tech support at McMaster Library, John Fink, for posting it.) You can find it here. You’ll be delighted to see that all chapters, chapter sections, and diagrams have their own links, and there is always a link to the next chapter in the top right hand corner, as well as link to the previous chapter in the top left.
When we started out a year ago we were simply a “weblog dedicated to Northrop Frye.” We’re now much more than that. Besides the daily blog portion of the site (1000 posts in the first 12 months), there is now a journal containing 18 articles that also serves as the archive for Moncton’s Frye Festival.
We have also established the Robert D. Denham Library, which is turning into a singular resource for scholars, students and the reading public. At this point the library houses too many treasures to itemize, but it includes the complete 10 volumes of Bob Denham’s Northrop Frye Newsletter, previously unpublished material by Frye himself (including the remarkable 5 part, 39 chapter Notes on Romance), various reviews of 20 of Frye’s published works, previously unpublished student class notes and exams from the 1940s and 50s, all of Bob Denham’s introductions to various volumes of the Collected Works, study guides and outlines to The Educated Imagination and The Double Vision, two complete books (now including, of course, Bob’s wonderful Frye and Critical Method), various lectures by Frye scholars, and other Frygiana. We hope to be posting audio and video of Frye soon. We also hope that before long we can begin to post student papers and dissertations.
Finally, there is our readership: many hundreds of visits a week and many thousands a month from more than 100 countries around the world. We figure that, as we become better known, those numbers will only improve, as they seem to do steadily from month to month.
We are, of course, eager to tap into the Frye community at large for still more contributions, and our invitation always stands. We are pleased to note that we offered for the first time full day to day coverage of the Frye Festival in Moncton last April, as well as the “Crucified Woman Reborn” conference at Emmanuel College in May. At the moment we are providing coverage of the effort to save the Centre for Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto. If, therefore, you’d like to post at the blog or submit an article to the journal or add something to the library, just drop us a line at fryeblog@gmail.ca